About the site

BinaryFiddle.com is a site dedicated to string players to share and learn about anything string related.

About the reviews

Most sites about strings prompt players to rate strings in a 5-star rating systems, while it works well to sieve out the trash, it fails to capture the subtleties on a subject matter that is ultimately incredible personal and nuanced.

Each musician is different, seeking something different to match their unique instrument, bow, even the pieces they play. A soloist playing in the largest concert hall with a 300 year old Stradivari is likely to have very different needs than a sectional player at a local community orchestra.

We take a different approach, we only ask you rate the strings on 7 defining attributes:

  • Projection: Is it soft or loud?
  • Color: Is it bright or dark?
  • Focus: Is it narrow or open?
  • Clarity: Is it textured or clear?
  • Response: Does it speak quickly or slowly?
  • Depth: Is it thin or deep?
  • Longevity: Does it wear out quickly or does it last a long time?

That's it. You can take what you need and leave what you don't.


I've been an avid violinist and a professional software developer.

I made this site to document and share my experiences with different violin strings over time. I hope it can help you find the next set of strings for the repertoire you are working on.

It is made entirely by me out of love for the music community, not in alliation with any company or shop.


I welcome any questions, comments, or feedback.

You can contact me at contact@binaryfiddle.com

Support me

I'm a one-man show and I do this out of passion in my free time. If you find binaryfiddle.com useful, please consider supporting my work. It helps cover the cost of keeping the site running.

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